Success of Our Graduate Students

by Melis Küçükyılmaz | Aug 16, 2023
The work of our undergraduate students was published in the journal ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
Our 3 undergraduate students; Murat Mula, Rana Nur Tekbaş, and Fehmi Cengiz who are conducting research under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper Gürarslan; have recently published their results in the ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, which has an impact factor of 9.224. We congratulate our students and wish them success in their future studies.

Sustainable Milkweed Fiber Composites for Medical Textile Application


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İTÜ Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design

Textile Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ) is the first and the single one offering textile engineering education in Istanbul, and also comes first among the top textile engineering schools in Turkey. Its history could be traced back to 1955; the year in which the textile division was established in the body of Mechanical Engineering. The school gained its current name and independent status in 1983. Therefore, it is obvious that the Textile Engineering Department is fairly new compared to the history of İTÜ stretching back to 240 years.


ITU Textile Engineering Undergraduate Program is an accredited program by ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC),, (Criteria: General Criteria Only (EAC)). For further information on accrediation of ITU Textile Engineering Undergraduate Program, please visit the following link: