Our Faculty Members Contributed to Two Innovative EU-Supported Projects

by Nurşah Çağlar | Sep 29, 2024
Our faculty members contributed to the EU-supported RETEX and SmartWaste projects, focusing on sustainable textile innovations, with significant achievements in developing eco-friendly materials and fostering international collaboration.

Faculty members from our department, Assoc. Prof. Alper Gürarslan and Assoc. Prof. Özgür Atalay, led the RETEX and SmartWaste projects, supported by the European Union’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions program. Additionally, faculty members Prof. Dr. Hale Karakaş, Dr. Belgin Görgün, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Aslı Tunçay Atalay participated as Visiting Researchers at Grado Zero Espace in Italy.

RETEX Project: This project focused on developing sustainable electronic textile materials using regenerated cotton. It successfully contributed to training a new generation of researchers through international collaboration and mobility. Moreover, a global research network on sustainable electronic textiles was established.

SmartWaste Project: This project aimed to create cellulose fibers from agricultural waste, such as tomato stems, and nonwoven textiles from poplar seed fibers. It achieved the development of cost-effective and sustainable alternatives to traditional textile materials while fostering interdisciplinary collaboration in the creation of environmentally friendly textile solutions.

Both projects were coordinated by ITU and conducted with an international consortium, including Marmara University, Technische Universität Dresden, Centexbel, and Grado Zero Espace. These initiatives have significantly contributed to the textile industry by offering innovative, sustainability-focused solutions.

We congratulate all researchers involved and wish them continued success in their endeavors.

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İTÜ Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design

Textile Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ) is the first and the single one offering textile engineering education in Istanbul, and also comes first among the top textile engineering schools in Turkey. Its history could be traced back to 1955; the year in which the textile division was established in the body of Mechanical Engineering. The school gained its current name and independent status in 1983. Therefore, it is obvious that the Textile Engineering Department is fairly new compared to the history of İTÜ stretching back to 240 years.


ITU Textile Engineering Undergraduate Program is an accredited program by ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC), www.abet.org, (Criteria: General Criteria Only (EAC)). For further information on accrediation of ITU Textile Engineering Undergraduate Program, please visit the following link: https://tekstil.itu.edu.tr/en/education/accreditation/abet